Peeks In The Window

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Guy & Ice Part 8, And The Window Is Closed

I'm leaving off this evening about fifteen minutes to done with this piece, but I'm tired. Gonna add just a bit of street scenery in behind Guy and Ice within the holo-viewer area, and then we're all done---I'll get to it tomorrow, and then I'll be on to the next commission on the list---A character mash-up of Powergirl and Dejah Thoris! Should be fun. Thanks to all of you that tuned in today, and special thanks to the couple of folks that left comments. I'm glad my explanation of tangents made sense, and Ken, I'm glad you're enjoying how this commission is coming out---Much appreciated! Have a great evening, everyone---See you tomorrow!


  1. Shout out! Now I just gotta wait for my turn...
    Very sweet and not voyeuristic at all, that takes skill.

    1. Thank you, Ken---I really appreciate it---Makes me feel like I managed to get the point of the piece across, which I'm glad of. I had a couple of moments where I wasn't sure it was gonna make sense!

  2. Love the final composition. This could be a GL cover, really excellent job. Karl

    1. Thank you, Karl! I sure appreciate it! Sorry I wasn't able to hit you back on your last email---It's been a busy day. I'll try and get back to you tomorrow. Hope you're doing great, man!

  3. This turned out beautifully, Drew. It's been a treat watching it take form. Looking forward to the next one... and of course, to my own!

    1. Thanks, Michael! I'm so glad you're enjoying seeing the process. I'm having a lot of fun with this blog, and with these commissions. I'm looking forward to working on your commission---It's going to be a fun one!
