WonderWoman ~ Zantanna on the Tracks
This piece was very fun, much like the Cheetah's Revenge piece for K.T., and yet another piece for K.T. that we both have enjoyed. I cannot help but picture the greasy, suited, and top-hatted bad guy twirling his mustache off camera. Some childhood memories can only be understood by those who share them. And on to the show…
Gentleman Prefer Crazies Poison Ivy ~ Harley Quinn
Monte suggested that Drew take the classic 'Gentleman Prefer Blondes' poster idea to the extreme. Good plan, great execution. With a few inside jokes, and a lot of skill, Drew knocked this out of the park. Lots of fun to work on, thanks to Monte for providing fun - and lettering on the board. Have I told you how much I enjoy lettering on the board?
Thanks to everyone who's joined in, and followed the progress. I'm off to work on the 'Shadow of Oz' cards, and 'Terminator: Enemy of my Enemy'. We'll be back as soon as we get the chance, and we love you all for following.
And the Window is Closed.
Hey Ray, great to see the WW finished. Drop me a line when you get a chance, K