Greetings, my friends, I woke up early and finished up two commissions today. The first being the Cheetah's Revenge piece with Drew for Karl, the second being an unresolved commission for a friend of mine. We'll explore the art as follows.
Seeing the reduction of the art, I've made a decision. I'll go back and make adjustments to the star field. I do not like the way the moonglow works against the background. I tried to make the star field work towards the X in the lower shadow pattern, but it's not happening for me (now that I see it reduced).
Anyway, here's a close up post of the figures. For those who are interested, I used the usual masking technique (as I posted earlier) and a Cirrus #110 round Kolinsky Sable Winsor & Newton 0 brush to finish this off. A very useful brush, without being very expensive.
As an aside, I'll add this Aquaman piece that I've finished for a friend. A commission that had been promised for many years, but only finished when he decided to ask me to complete it for him.
Craig Hamilton's pencils and my inks. Very nice work, in my opinion. I hope you enjoy.
In an effort to create better transparency between artist and client, comic book illustrator Drew Edward Johnson will post commissioned artwork in progress, along with his current commission list. This way the client can check in at any point to see where they're at on Drew's commission list, and get a first hand look as each individual commission is created. Postings will occur several times during Drew's work day, so check back often to get a look over the artist's shoulder.
Great work Ray, inks look gorgeous. Thanks!.